What is Integrated Healthcare (Medicine)?

Integrative Medicine (IM) is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapies (Arizona Board of Regents, 2016).

“Roni” is an Integrative Medicine in Mental Health (IMMH) qualified clinician. She is listed on their website as an IMMH practitioner. Per information on the IMMH website she is qualified to “assess and treat Mental Health disorders (i.e., depression, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders, OCD, anxiety disorder, AD(H)D, eating disorders, etc.) based on an integrative medical approach. Integrative medicine for mental health is a whole body approach utilizing multiple fields of medicine and nutritional sciences. The goal is to help patients regain mental wellness through the use of individualized metabolic testing, nutritional therapies, dietary interventions, along with traditional medical treatments, including medications and psychotherapy” (Integrative Medicine in Mental Health, 2015).

Arizona Board of Regents on Behalf of the Universty of Arizona (2016). Retrieved from What is IM/IH? Retrieved on July 26, 2018.

Integrative Medicine in Mental Health (2015). Clinician Registry- United States (Arizona). Retrieved from http://www.integrativemedicineformentalhealth.com/registry.php?PhysicianType=&States=AZ on October 14, 2018.